Visual JShell: JShell on Steroids

Session abstract

JShell adds interactivity to the Java language and opens the door to a vast number of new, exciting applications. In this session, a whole new layer–instant interactive visualization of any Java object–is added to JShell. The presentation introduces a polished JavaFX-based user interface for the visualization, based on the Visual Reflection Library (VRL) and VWorkflows, a powerful flow and node visualization library. This enables users to visually explore the whole JDK. Users can define data flows visually and combine those with textual JShell scripts. You will learn how to experiment with new ideas and how to produce stunning visualizations in an instant. Attendees will get access to the source code and the sample applications.


Name Title Company
Michael Hoffer Programmer / Developer Goethe Center for Scientific Computing

Session Info

Experience Session type Track
Intermediate Conference Session Java Development Tools

My Notes

He tells about why it is important to have a REPL. And then does some stuff like Mark Reinhold dit during the keynote

  • github by bitterfox JavaFXforthejshell

Lots of demo stuff based on JavaFx
