Ten Things You Can Do with GraalVM

Session abstract

PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BRING YOUR OWN LAPTOP (BYOL) TO PARTICIPATE IN THE HANDS-ON LABS.The GraalVM project enhances the Java ecosystem with an integrated polyglot, high-performance execution environment for dynamic, static, and native languages. GraalVM supports Java, Scala, Kotlin, Groovy, and other JVM-based languages. Simultaneously, it can run the dynamic scripting languages JavaScript, Ruby, R, and Python. In this lab, you’ll learn what you can do with GraalVM: Use it as the JVM JIT compiler, enhancing the JIT Run native and polyglot programs Compile them ahead of time for faster startup and lower runtime overhead Debug your polyglot code, using exactly the same tools for any language Profile the performance and memory of your application Embed GraalVM in a native application for portabilityPlease review the documentherein preparation for the lab.


Name Title Company
Chris Seaton Oracle
Oleg Selajev Developer advocate for GraalVM, OracleLabs Oracle

Session Info

Session type Track
HOL (Hands-on Lab) Session Java Ecosystem

My Notes

Fantastic two hours but not much to blog about yet as I was doing the workshop myself.

I’ll probably blog about it soon though because I really liked what I was doing.
